Express Yourself with Confidence, Clarity and an Open Heart
Public Speaking
Do you want to explore the different facets of your beautiful organ, to release the blockages, emotions and associated fears associated to public speaking?
For elevator pitch, speaking within a group, with family members, at a diner table, share your point of view, give a presentation, a speech, prepare an oral, feel comfotable online, on your social media and learn how to speak from the heart in different contexts.
Learn the specific and holisitic techniques to express yourself
Use your voice as a powerful tool of communication
Overcome the fear being authentic and visible
Dismantle self criticism
Self regulate your nervous system
Come over shyness, anxiety
Have a better control of emotions
Speak with presence and love power
Become more present and keep your audience's attention
Find your authenticity
Make an unforgettable impact around you
Develop a Heart-Centred Voice
Use your Body as Key to Feeling Safe
Learn embodiment practices to help you feel safe and grounded when speaking.
(Re)discover the joy of speaking.
Healing and Deconditioning the Past / Remove limited belief and blocage
Feeling free in your voice, without tension or blockages, is also feeling free in your body, in your mind.
Your voice allows you to express yourself to present with confidence and to exist.

What to expect during a session?
Protocol with practitioner

EFT practice to remove old believe
Excercices for the voice
Throat chakras openning exercices
Theatre based learning
Empower your voice, pitch, tones, volumes, speed
Body language
Theatre based learning
Practices on reading, presenting, speaking
The science behind "tapping"
The Science of Tapping is short documentary film dedicated to demystifying tapping and increasing acceptance of this powerful tool.
It seems that EFT affects the amygdala, the stress centre in the brain, and the hippocampus, the memory centre. S)mula)on of the tapping points is thought to send a signal to the limbic or emo)on centre and to reduce its arousal.
Download this 2022 Research Summary by EFT International.
Click here to download.

How to book?
Consultations en ligne - 45- 60min
70 Euros
600 HKD
Package de 5 séances
320 euros
2800 HKD
Enfants - 30 to 45 min
300 HKD
35 Euros
*All therapeutic works, have a lot to do with the feeling and connection with the practitioner.
I can call you for a free 30 min chat to see how we can work together